Fall Festivities.

I’ve been especially eager to fulfill another year of traditions and capture all these moments of my girl and her excitement.  So Jason took a much needed day off at the firm and we headed over to Circle S farm.

We enjoyed warm sugared donuts and what was supposed to be cider…which really was a juice box of apple juice.

We enjoyed Pixie running, without fear, through the hay bale maze.  A large sign read “Only enter if you are shorter than the bales.”  Daddy quickly ignored the sign and found his squat position to chase her through the caves.

We enjoyed lots of firsts for her.  First time on a hayride.  First time in a sunflower maze (as was it for us).  First time seeing a bunny rabbit.  She’s extremely mobile and her expressions and little voice just crack us up.  Life is just SO MUCH FUN!

I so enjoyed the crunching of the beautifully colored leaves as our cute boots walked toward the hayride.  Pixie thought she was hot stuff on a moving vehicle without a seatbelt.  I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she soaked in all of the excitement and different surroundings.Her very first hayride is one I will never forget!  

How tall this fall?

She was a little timid in the hay.  I think it was the texture.  Isn’t it just adorable sticking to her boots?!  Yeah, I’m still finding that stuff around my house!She only went up to the big slide with Daddy holding her hand.  This place brought back so many memories from childhood.  Does anyone remember when the bale maze ran under the slides?  It’s not that way anymore.  Still very cool.  And, oh my, did it all seem SO MUCH BIGGER when we were so much smaller.  Good times.
Sunflower Maze!!!  I’ve never seen one of these and it was uber cool.
Ummmm…Wish waaa dew we go?  
Dis waaaaa, fwends.

I hope everyone can get out and about.  Soak in the beautiful Autumn season.  Smell the mums and pick some pumpkins.  Happy Fall!

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Aunt Angie on October 12, 2012 at 10:54 pm

    I heart you. ;0