I left my heart in… Project 52

Project 52

Week 6 of 52: I left my heart in (insert fav place)

Okay, so I pondered this theme ALL week and I just couldn’t come up with a location that was current and fitting for “I left my heart in…”

Google says, “I left my heart in San Francisco”.  We did go to San Fran in September and I thought about taking a photo of the cute little cable car we picked up at a Souvenir shop but…. I didn’t really leave my heart there.  My heart is at home.  Don’t get me wrong,  I LOVE going on vacation and I have tons of favorite places to travel.  But… home is where my heart is.

Our little friend, Gavin, stopped by yesterday to drop off a sweet Valentine for Pixie.  It was crayons melted into the shape of a heart and a little note that read, “You put the ART in HEART.”  Adorable.

I left my heart in.. a crayon.  At home.  In my little girl’s hands. 🙂


Canon 5DMkII, 35mm f/1.4
ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/250 sec

See another take on this theme from Megan, HERE.

Posted in

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Project 52 | Week 6 » Table For Five on February 11, 2013 at 10:46 am

    […] See Crystal’s interpretation here. […]

  2. Destinee on February 11, 2013 at 11:45 am


  3. Miranda on February 12, 2013 at 9:29 am

    Oh my gosh … I absolutely love everything about this post.

  4. Rachel on February 12, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    Aww, very sweet. Such a nice photo to help you remember this moment 20 years from now!

  5. Nicki on February 19, 2013 at 5:04 am

    I was in San Francisco in September too! Great photo and I love the meaning behind it.