Just in time. Columbus Birth Photography

The Birth Story of Claire Eloise.

Click HERE to watch the video slideshow.  Warning…you may need tissues!

A few years ago, I photographed Roberta and Steve’s wedding.  Little did I know, I would have the EXTREME honor of photographing their child coming into this world.  It was magical.  It really was.

You may recognize Roberta.  She joined me a couple of years ago as another photographer and sidekick.  Roberta was also Miss Ohio 2007.   She’s truly a beautiful person.  Inside and out.

Claire Eloise Albert.  Born May 8, 2012 at 1:25 AM. 7 pounds, 13 ounces and 20.5 inches. A perfect little baby girl. A little miracle.
First breath.  Took EVERYONE’S away.Happiness.

Roberta and Steve had a list of names for Baby boy and girl, as they did not know the gender.  She looked at her little baby girl and said, “I think she’s Claire Eloise.”  Perfect.I really can’t explain to you how much love filled this room.  The pictures say a thousand words….

The very proud grandmas get to meet the precious little jewel for the first time. They waited a LONG time for this moment. I could see the shadow of their feet under the hospital door throughout Roberta’s labor.  They had their ears pressed up against the door just to get a peep of someone announcing if it was a healthy boy or girl. They waited so patiently…and for this moment right here.

She’s a very healthy baby girl.  Thank you, Jesus.

The new little family.  So proud of you all.  What a little miracle.  She is so blessed and SO lucky to have you as parents.  XOXOOOXOOOO!
Don’t mess with this proud Auntie, she’ll get there even if she has to RUN!  Roberta kept me in her labor loop throughout the day.  I knew when she was contracted, when she was admitted to the hospital, how she was feeling, everything.  I told her I would be there once she was in active labor.  You know, like dilated to 6 or 7 centimeters.  Around 9PM she was at a 5 and they were going to check her and break her water at 10PM.  So I laid down for a bit of shut eye thinking I wouldn’t be there for at least another six hours.  Pfft. I received a text at 12:11 AM.  “Holy crap, nurse thinks I’m gonna be pushing really soon..almost fully dilated!”  Um, what happened to active labor?!  I jumped out of bed, kissed my babies, grabbed my camera and sped to the hospital.  I was shaking.  Hoping to make it there.  I don’t wanna miss this.  I DON’T WANNA MISS THIS!  I ran into the room and saw the nurse.  I looked over and saw a still pregnant Roberta.  SHEW!  Thank you, Jesus!  I started shooting at 12:44 AM.  Claire was born at 1:25 AM.  That was WAY tooooooo close for comfort, people.  Still makes me nervous thinking about it!  Roberta, you are soooo lucky to have such a smooth, FAST birth story.  And I’m SO lucky to arrive just in time!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.