No park needed. Columbus Maternity Photography

Neda.  Maternity.


Behind the scenes with Crystal Jo Foto.  Neda is only about 3 weeks ahead of me in pregnancy so you can guess what we talked about the WHOLE time!  Pregnant woman photographing pregnant woman.  COOL!

PS –  ALL of these photos were taken AT their house.  AMAZING!  They will never need to go to a park for family photos!


Let’s hear some fun facts from the parents-to-be….

Tell us how you found out you were expecting.
We found out that we were pregnant just one hour before our infertility appointment! That was crazy and exciting at the same time! 🙂

If you know the gender/name and story behind the name and would like to share it, tell us.
We decided to pick out a Persian name for our baby girl. It’s “Armita” which means pure love. It also means the Goddess of blessings.

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?
Her nursery theme is princess (of course!) 🙂

A baby is coming! What are you looking forward to the most?
We can’t wait for our baby’s arrival in September. She is our first baby so we are a little nervous not knowing what to expect.

What’s your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
The only thing that I love about my journey through pregnancy is when I feel her moving and kicking. That is an absolute joy!

How did you find Crystal Jo?
I saw Crystal Jo’s pictures at the “Harville Chiropractic Center” and I really liked them. What I love about Crystal Jo besides her work is that she has a very happy and free spirit, which gives me positive energy. 🙂  (Thank you, Neda! XO)

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.