One Born this February. Columbus Maternity Photography

Amanda and Michael.  Maternity.

Well, really just Amanda, maternity.  But Michael did have SOME involvement.  🙂

You may recognize this soon-to-be Momma from the Lifetime show “One Born Every Minute“.  Yep, she’s the starring labor and delivery nurse.  And pretty soon, she’ll be on the other side of the hospital bed.  How exciting!My fave.  LOVE!Woody is ready for Brynleigh to arrive.  With big kisses and all!Amanda is an avid scrapbooker.  It was only fitting to use her scrapping stickers to spell her baby girl’s name on her belly.  Michael was singing, “Baby got back” to Brynleigh.  It was quite hilarious! I’ll be seeing you REAL soon.  Can’t wait to snuggle with that precious little newborn!  XoXo.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. […]  Xoxo, love you bunches, Crystal Jo. A flashback of her entire first year in photographs… In Mommy’s belly Newborn 3 Months 6 Months 9 […]