Ring my bell. Columbus Wedding Photography

Joan and Ron.  Married.

July 9th, 2011 at Liberty Presbyterian Church.  They had a quaint little ceremony in a darling little chapel with just 25 of their closest family.  It was relaxed and easy and PERFECT.  Just like these two.

Joan, you are BEAUTIFUL!

A first look before the ceremony.  LOVE!

It’s almost time!

Waiting anxiously to walk his bride down the aisle.

Ron’s face is priceless.

Such a quaint little chapel.  Perfect for this couple.  The chapel was built in 1820.  It is the oldest continuously-used worship building in Delaware County.

Ringing the church bell after the nuptials. I’ve never seen this before. What a happy way to celebrate! DING, RING, happy sounds!

Love the love kick.

Joan and her children.  Her son flew in from California.  Oh, happy day.

Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Konrad.  We wish you a lifetime of health and happiness.

A little behind the scenes. We look cool. No matter what!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.