She took her breath away. Columbus Birth Photography

The Birth of Baby G.

They came into the hospital not knowing what they were having.  Boy or Girl. How big is this baby?  Will baby have hair?  Will baby look like mommy or daddy?  They left in love.  With a beautiful little girl.

Eden Elizabeth.  Born July 7th, 2011.  Weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces.  Born on 7/7/11 and weighing 7.11.  SUH-WHEETNESS!

I had the extreme honor of being there to photograph this beautiful little miracle.  It was INSANELY awesome.  Very emotional for everyone, including myself.  It brought back soooo many memories of just six months ago when I was meeting my little angel.  I really love this little family.  I met them a few years ago when they first asked me to photograph another HUGE day for them, their wedding.  One became two.  Now, two becomes three.  Amazing, really.

The labor and delivery room had AN AWESOME view of the stadium.  A great way to bring in a child, huh?  Our newest little Buckeye!

We’ll call this “Labor Scrabble”.  I totally kicked James’ bootie.I LOVE this.  Such a good husband and now daddy.It’s a GIRL!  Eden Elizabeth’s first breath.  Took her mommy’s away.
She’s a strong little booger.  She did not wanna let go of this cord.  It was hilarious.  Work those biceps Eden!  James said this is a moment that will be etched in his memory forever.

Welcome to the world, Eden Elizabeth.  We love you so much!

To view the video slideshow, click HERE.  Thank you, Garcia’s, for letting me be apart of your special family.  I will remember this intimate, AWESOME day forever.   Big, BIG HUGS!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Tiffany on July 19, 2011 at 7:11 pm

    Thank you for capturing the most important day of our lives! We will cherish these photos forever and ever.

    Miss Eden is excited for you to have captured the love between her parents and now the beginning of her life (and through the next 12 months)!

  2. light girl on July 24, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    you did UHMAZING cjo!! cant wait to have my first baby so you can photograph their birth!! ;P ♥

  3. Amy Koechlin on July 29, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    Crystal, I love these, I think you may have found your specialty. You capture amazing memories!