Smirk. Columbus Baby Photography

Amanda.  Baby Bump number two.


How stinkin’ adorable is this family?!



collage3I just love Anabelle’s smirk here!


I’m a BIG sister!  SO EXCITING!

Photo on the right…session fave!


Here’s some fun facts about this adorable family of (soon-to-be) four…

Tell us something fun or unique about your family.
Hmmm…we are actually pretty boring people these days. My hubby works during the week and I work weekends so we don’t have to pay for childcare! (I might be a bit frugal!) My husband does the laundry, cooks, and vacuums the house when I’m working… Probably not fun, but unique for sure and I bet many of you ladies are super jealous right now!!! : ) (ME, Crystal Jo…me, I’m jealous! ha)

How did you find out you were expecting?
Ironically a friend at work he just announced her pregnancy, & I was a little sad I wasn’t pregnant yet as my husband and I had been trying for a few weeks. As I was leaving work that day, another co-worker had mentioned I was a little fiestier than usual so I took a test that day and sure enough… indeed I was also pregnant!!!

What’s your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
My favorite thing is definitely feeling baby kicks and hiccups. I think I will miss those sensations when I’m not pregnant.
My least favorite thing is attempting to find a comfortable position… it takes forever and everyone knows once you do… you always have to pee!????

Did you find out your baby’s gender?
Of course we did.. this is baby girl number two for our clan!

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?
We were sprinkled by our friends with diaper party which was tons of fun! The theme was “brewing a baby” . I like to live vicariously through my friends when I can’t drink!

How did Anabelle adjust with the pregnancy?
Anabelle knows baby sister is in “mom’s belly”. She gives my belly kisses and pats my belly. She also enjoys playing with her old toys in baby sister’s room. But otherwise our day is playtime as usual, maybe a little slower and mom doesn’t jump quite as much.

A baby is coming! What are you looking forward to the most?
We are very much looking forward to baby cuddles and snuggles again. But, Jimmy and I are so excited for when the baby becomes more interactive and is able to play and learn from Anabelle! I can’t wait for them to grow into best friends! We are so excited to meet this little one and feel that our family is finally complete!

How was your session with Crystal Jo?
Amazing as usual… just hot!!! It was much warmer than i was expecting for mid to end of september! However, We are always chomping at the bit to see what our proofs look like and can’t wait to work with Crystal Jo again. We are already planning the newborn session photos! : )


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.