So big. Columbus Baby Photography

Evie.  One Year Big.  Already?!

My session fave…

Ohhhh, the curls!And of course we had to make the photo shoot a party and Pixie was invited.  
Newborn.  From this…to this…  So sweet.3 Months.6 Months.9 Months.

One Year.


Some fun facts about this little princess..

What is your favorite memory during her first year of life?

Just watching the progression of Anabelle “big sistering” Evie. It started off as Anabelle wanting to give Evie bottles, feed her baby food, try to change her diaper (though we discouraged it because it was more trouble/mess than necessary). It has progressively turned into Anabelle watching out for Evie, checking on her, playing with her, sharing with her. From the beginning Evie would just look up at Anabelle in awe. She loves her big sister and has started to ask were “Na Na” is she doesn’t see her. One day she stayed home sick while Anabelle went to preschool. Evie just didn’t know what to do without her sister around. They like being around each other. I love watching them together, it makes me smile.

What age/month has been your favorite and why?

Probably these last few months have been my favorite. Evie is more mobile, so she just goes where she wants to. She is very observant and likes to watch others. I will catch her just watching other kids play or seeing what everyone is doing. She likes to watch you do something and then try to repeat it herself.

One word to describe your baby is… fun-loving

Animal: I don’t know that she really has one yet.
Food: Evie loves all food. She likes to eat it and gets mad if she thinks you are eating something she isn’t. She is a very verbal eater and will say “om nom nom” while she eats.
Toy: Balls or bubbles. She loves both of these.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.