So in love with… Project 52

Project 52

Week 7 of 52: So in love with… friendship.

Though our lives are SO extremely busy, we do try to get together with our dearest of friends.  To spend time together.  Laugh and cry.  Share stories and vent.  Friendship is such a beautiful gift.  And for this, I am SO in love with it.

Pixie and Fiona were born into their friendship and it really is such a joy to watch.  Pixie is a little copy-cat.  She soaks it all in and adores Fiona and every move she makes.  She seriously asks to “pway wif No-nuh” everyday.  I only hope they will grow up to be as close as their momma’s.

Here they are decorating Valentine’s Day cards.  Fiona wanted white paint so Pixie wanted white paint.  Of course!

Canon 5DMkII, 35mm f/1.4
ISO 2000, f/2.8, 1/50 sec

What’s Destinee in love with? Click HERE to see.


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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Project 52 2013 – [Week 7] » Tiltawhirl Imagery on February 19, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    […] What do you have a love of? How would you express that in a single picture? Let’s see how Crystal Jo does it…. Posted in Project 52, UncategorizedTags: Neverstoplearning, Peninsula, […]

  2. Nicki on March 10, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    such a cute photo! born-in friendships are the best!