Two Peas in a Pod. Columbus Maternity Photography

Megan. Baby Bump.


The way little Meg is looking at Robbie. <3


So cute!  She did this on her own!columbus_photography-7columbus_photography-8

Megan, you are STUNNING!  So beautiful pregnant!columbus_photography-9columbus_photography-10columbus_photography-11


Here are a few fun facts about this mommy-to-be…

Tell us something fun or unique about your relationship.
We don’t feel like we are fun or unique. We are regular people living the dream 🙂 we are busy (and only getting busier) but we know we will both be together at the end of the day. We know are lives will be changing soon, but we are in this together and will enjoy the moments life brings us.

How did you find out you were expecting?
We found out we were expecting twins the first dr appt I made. I was 8 weeks and the dr said there were 2. I said “two what” we were in shock for many many weeks after the news.

What’s your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
My least favorite thing about being pregnant is I can’t eat whatever I want and my feet are swollen after working.  My most favorite is knowing every week we are closer and closer to meeting them.

Did you find out your baby’s gender?
We found out one babies gender through a blood test. The other a few weeks later during an ultrasound. It’s a boy…. and a girl!!!

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?
Our showers were Two Peas in a Pod and an elephant theme. The babies room is pink and blue elephants.

A baby is coming! What are you looking forward to the most?
We are looking forward to bringing them home and getting to know them. We know we will be changing many diapers for awhile but look forward to watching them grow up.

How did you find Crystal Jo?
Crystal Jo was our wedding photographer in June of 2016. We knew she had to capture our babies just like she did our Wedding Day. We love working with her and seeing her talents through photography.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.