Two-riffic. Columbus Maternity Photography

Woodruff Maternity.


Eva is getting TWO brothers to love.

How cute are these onesies?! OH-IO. Baby style.

collage3columbus_baby_photo-3Eva, you are going to be the BEST big sister!

More on this growing family…

Tell us something fun or unique about your relationship.
On our first date, my house alarm went off and I didn’t answer the phone when the alarm company called, so they called my sister and she called a few times before I heard my phone to answer it. She thought something happened to me and was on her way over with my brother. I was so freaked out because they were sending the police that I ran home because we weren’t far from my house, and I’m just glad Tom decided to stay and wait, lol.

How did you find out you were expecting?
I really felt quite pregnant (symptomatic) earlier than I would’ve thought and we were trying, so I took a test early and it was positive. When we went in at 7 weeks we were shocked to see two babies on the ultrasound. Quite unexpected.

What’s your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
Favorite thing: feeling the babies move and seeing them grow on ultrasound because I’ve had A LOT of ultrasounds this pregnancy. 
Least favorite: I’m very uncomfortable when I’m pregnant. I’m currently the size of a term pregnancy (bigger than the end with my first) and I have two months to go. Ugh.

Did you find out the gender of your babies?
Two boys; fraternal.

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?
The theme is still a work in progress, but planning for nautical.

Babies are coming! What are you looking forward to the most?
Not being pregnant, haha. I’m really forward to seeing our boys and introducing them to Eva, their big sister, and having our family be complete (cause we’re definitely done, lol).

How did you find Crystal Jo?
I found Crystal Jo through a friend at work as she started taking pictures of her babies. We did a session last year for Eva’s 18 months and the pictures turned out amazing (which was pretty unbelievable with how Eva behaved, lol) and Eva just loves her, which doesn’t always happen so easily, lol, she can be a hard one to crack sometimes.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Jenny Smith on March 14, 2014 at 1:26 pm

    I just adore your pictures!! What a beautiful family you have.