Idle. Project 52

Project 52.  (One photo a week, on a scheduled theme, for 52 weeks.)

Week 23 of 52: Idle.

“Is your new house built yet?”

Ugh. Nope. Not yet. And it’s been IDLE. We’re stuck. Stuck in a financial halt. The banks are taking FOREVER. We were scheduled to dig on April 15th and just two days before received unfortunate news from the lender. Our appraisal came back WAY lower than what we needed to build our dream home. So an appeal process started and took over a month to get back the same results. When that information came along we decided to seek another lender in hopes for better results. This all meant starting the entire banking process over. UGH! This all takes for flipping EVER. I’m trying VERY hard to remain patient and thankful that we are even in a position to build a new home. BUT… it’s been rough. I’m pregnant, in a rental house and I HAVE NO DISHWASHER. Jason’s car was parked in front of our house and someone hit it with a baseball bat and took off. Fun, huh? 🙂 I miss our garage. I miss my dishwasher. I miss our old house terribly!

If you know me, you know I’m typically not a “Negative Nancy”. So my rant is over and I’ll round out this post with happiness, horses and butterflies. And so this is life. Everything doesn’t always go as planned. We were VERY fortunate to sell our old (wonderful, dishwasher having, beautiful meeting space area, large garage) house during the first showing. We are very fortunate to be living in a nice home where Pixie has a back yard with a fun play set and tons of space to gallop and play (see, I told you, happiness and horses). We will wait. And we will wait with a smile on our face because we know we have lots of BIG things coming our way.

“Is your new house built yet?”

Nope. Not yet. But soon. And it will be AMAZING. (And there’s the butterflies.)

Top photo:
Canon 5DMkII, 35mm, f/1.4
ISO 800, f/8, 1/800 sec

To see what’s idle in Miranda’s life, click HERE.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.