Making Memories on Memorial Day.

Summer is coming.  And it makes me VERY happy.    Pixie Pie lovin’ her some biker beard.  And JR.

Pixie Pie loves her Grammia.

And her Aunt Sherry.

Time to go skating!

This weekend alone, we went to seven parties, a wedding and a graduation.  Shew.  My girl is a party girl at five months old.

Grandview Hop and fabulous party at That Gym on Grandview.

Eli’s 1st Birthday Party.  Woo HOoooooo.
Want some?
Chuckie (Eli’s grandpa) lovin’ on my girl.
And then, a wedding.  Kira (Jason’s cousin) said “I do” to her love, Ben.

It was really quite strange to be a guest and not the photographer.  It was extremely hard to sit still during the ceremony.  I saw all of these cool photo opportunities and shots I would take.  But, I behaved.  I kept my caboose in my chair.  

We had lots and lots of fun!

My husband, the server. Serving me up.

So, okay.  The photographer in me had to come out and play.  Just a little.  Here’s Jen and her new squeeze, Eli.

The boys showing off. So handsome!

A basket of candles for The Yoders.  I got this idea from Cindi and her momma.  It was SO fun putting it together. Google it if you haven’t seen it!
The getaway.  AWESOME!

Brothers. It was a big day for Kristofer, too. High School Graduation.

Waiting for Uncle Kris to graduate!

Lovin’ from her great grandparents.I love the way people smile at my little girl!Congrats Kristofer!  We’re so proud of you!

My favorite part of our long weekend….

Going bare feet and kickin’ back. Just chillin’.

Got my I don’t care ducks in a row.  Just chillin’.

Gonna pacify my lazy bones ambition.  Just chillin’.  (Love this new country song, Blaine Larson, Chillin’)
Love her little pursed lips.  Chillin’ poolside.

Hangin’ with grandfather out at the camper.
Mitzy and Pixie in their own little chairs out at the camper.  Those spoiled girls!A happy face on your bun is SO necessary!  Be happy!Pixie Pie and Auntie Morgan.  She’s SO loved!
Just chillin’.  Beating the heat of living.

You know you have to pimp out your golf cart.  Duh.

Big milestone!  Pixie Jo is rolling over!  And she thinks it’s hilarious.  Even if I am in the middle of changing a horrendous diaper.  (No mom, I don’t normally change her on the hardwood floor.  It’s easier to clean up a blow out on the wood, rather than her changing table.)

Time for a bath.  It’s so funny to turn around and see her laying like this.  Big girl.

I hope your weekends are shared with lots of love and laughter!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Tasha on June 1, 2011 at 11:01 pm

    ohmigosh. I can’t get over her cuteness!
    Can we come play again? 🙂 I need to hold her this time!!

  2. Aunt Angie on June 1, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    What a busy weekend you girls had. Sounds like lots of fun. She is never going to be where you put her, now that she is rolling. yeah!!!!!

  3. Cyndi on June 3, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    Love the lips and the special kiss from great grandpa.