Radiant roses and a radiant momma-to-be. Columbus Maternity Photographer

Tiffany, James and Baby G in belly.

They do not know if it’s a boy or girl.  I love the thought of this GRAND surprise.  I could never wait to find out so I give them both big high fives for waiting it out.

Tiffany is due July 8th.  They are hoping for a fourth of July baby.  Talk about fireworks.  How cool would that be?!

Guess who has the honor of  shooting the birth?  Yep, yours truly.   I can’t wait!

She’s glowing!

Tiffany’s friend made this for her baby shower.  I saw pictures of the nursery on facebook and this was hanging in Baby G’s room.  What a cute prop!

Tiffany, you are SO beautiful.  Inside and out!
Love this.
Look how big her bump looks in the shadow.  Hehehehe.  And James at the top of the tree.  Love.
Okay, bad idea.
BEST maternity picture ever?  YES!  This was at the end of our session.  Right after I snapped this, I told Tiffany and James I accidentally deleted the whole memory card and this was the only photograph we have from their maternity session.  Her face was pretty priceless.

O-H-I-blah.  Dude, WE are awesome. Light girl (Gator fan). Well, she is NOT.

Sending hugs and kisses and healthy wishes your way, Tiff.  Xoxo.

ring: 614.397.0352
write: crystal@crystaljofoto.com
see: http://crystaljofoto.com
fresh: https://crystaljofoto.com

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Tiffany on June 27, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    XOXO right back at you! These are beautiful. Thank you for capturing these final moments before we become a family of 3. We love having you there to catch all these wonderful moments in our lives.

  2. Kim Panter on June 28, 2011 at 8:38 am

    I love these pictures. What a beautiful way to memorialize this occasion.

  3. Cyndi on June 30, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Loved the pictures. The one in the tree is my favorite. Congrats to the 3 of you.