Welcome to the world Pixie Jo.

This day, these moments, go down in time. December 23rd, 2010. The best day of our lives. Our little girl arrived. Happy and healthy.

Here is a video slideshow of Pixie Jo’s Birth Story…

click HERE

We arrived to the hospital after having contractions for about four hours. They were painful and were about 3 minutes apart. To my surprise, I was not progressing. So the nurses had me walk. For TWO hours. I was praying they wouldn’t send me home. I was praying this wasn’t false labor. Around and around we walked the same path around the nursery. I looked in at all the little newborns hopeful one of those would soon be mine. The picture below is us, very VERY happy when we were admitted and officially in active labor.

This look on my face here.  It is happiness.  So happy that this day has finally come.  My girl will soon be in my arms.  Happy.


Birth photography has always been of interest to me. My dear friend Cindi was over one evening during the end of my pregnancy. I showed her a slideshow of another photographers birth photography. Jason, Cindi and I watched with tears in our eyes. These were random people we didn’t even know and we were all emotional. I told them I would love to have our little girls birth documented. Jason joked “have Cindi do it!” What a great idea. Cindi has been by my side through most of my life. All of the big moments. Why not this one?! And why not just set my camera to the appropriate settings and have Cindi fire away. And that she did. And we were more than thrilled with the beautiful results. These are all raw emotions caught “on film”. We’ll have these to cherish forever. I really cannot thank you enough Cindi. These are SO VERY precious to us.

Jason’s grandmother praying for the safe delivery of our angel. A moment during my labor that I will remember forever. It was very touching. Not a dry eye in the room.

Favors I made for our hospital guests. Buckeyes…mmm.

Newest lil’ Buckeye. Pixie Jo Holt

Meet Jen. The best nurse in the world. Jason and I workout with Jen at That Gym on Grandview. Jen and I have been discussing babies for a long time. She’s been there through it all. The pre pregnancy questions, fears and excitement. The big belly aches and pains. And the beautiful labor and delivery of our girl. She was SO amazing. There is nothing like having your very own personal nurse by your side during such a dramatic time. Thank you Jen. We love you!

And of course mommy was there. Right there the whole time. Holding my hand and my heart.

The worried soon-to-be daddy. I can only imagine how emotional this experience was for him. We are waiting on the doctor to arrive. Ready to push. Whoa.

This moment right here has defined who I am. A mommy.

And a proud daddy. (And grandmothers)

Ten fingers and ten toes.

I LOVE this!

She took our breath away.

Roberta and Steve welcoming Pixie with Pixi Sticks!

Gifts from Nanna and Grandfather. Pixie’s (and my) middle name is Jo after my grandmother. When she was living, she carried a Raggedy Anne and Andy wooden purse. Dad gifted Pixie Jo this very purse. How cool?!

See my naked girl screaming her head off back there on the scale? Aww.

The nurses brought Pixie Jo into our room on Christmas morning in an OSU stocking! Best Christmas present ever!

The stockings and knitted hats were handmade by a group of volunteer elderly women.

Merry First Christmas baby girl.

Getting dressed in our going home outfit!

Hat handmade by our gymnastics friend Paula. Dress from Jan (family friend). Booties a gift from Gramia (from Arts in the Alley). And blanket made by Great Great Grandma Browning. (It is the blanket I came home from the hospital in.)

Happy and sad. Bittersweet, really. Let’s go start our life little girl!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Amy on January 24, 2011 at 6:32 pm

    This is truly moving! I will for sure have someone behind the camera when we have another! I wish these memories were this fresh in my mind forever!
    Amy Tresenrider

  2. morgan aka: auntie morgan on January 24, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    dawww Pixie Pie!! Lol, Didnt i take the two of you in the polka dot dress with jason? Oh so cute!! I lovee love love these pictures!!

  3. Cyndi on January 24, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    My precious baby girl having a precious baby girl. It just doesnt get any better than that. Thanks for making my life complete. Love Momma Mia and Gramia

  4. Steph Potokar on January 25, 2011 at 8:05 am

    The photos and video are both absolutely beautiful! I am sitting here at work crying. Babies are amazing! Congrats again! =)

  5. Amy Seese on February 7, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    Melts my heart! So real, so beautiful!

  6. Aunt Angie on February 8, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing this special time with us. Not a dry eye in the room. We love you.

  7. Clorissa Williams on February 9, 2011 at 11:18 am

    These photos are the most delicate and beautiful display of bringing an angel into the world. All that has been captured is breathtaking. Congratulations Holt Family!

  8. Aunt Jan on March 14, 2011 at 9:38 pm

    Can’t wait to meet little Pixie Jo! She is beautiful, cannot beleive she is almost 4 months now!! The dress surely won’t even fit!! Love you guys!