Bun in the Oven.

Finding out we were pregnant was actually a HUGE shock.  With Pix, we tried for months.  With this one, FIRST TRY, baby.  You can see the “finding out video” here.  Jason’s reaction cracks me up! I pondered this announcement for months.  As my belly grew, so did the amount of people who saw me and I told that we were expecting.  After five months, people started asking when we were going to announce our pregnancy on social media.  It’s not like I was keeping the big news a secret or waiting until a certain week to magically drop the BIG news.  I just needed the creative energy to execute exactly what my crazy brain wanted.  I scheduled a day to commit to gathering everything needed to make it happen.  And so it is… Everything I used for this little photo session was found in our house (with the exception of Jason’s milk carrier which I found at Odd Lots, coincidently, on the day of the session when I went to buy Pix a sprinkler toy).  I even cut an old shirt to make me and Pix fun hair pieces.  The aprons are actually Christmas colors, but you’d never know because I knew I wanted this vintage processing.
This photo came in a VERY close second place as being “THE ONE” for the announcement.  I actually posted two for a group of my photographer friends to help me decide….which was pretty much split 50/50.  Final decision, one photo for my personal facebook page and this one for my business page.  Every photo wins.  🙂Announcing to Momma Mia at work (Toyota).  “Only Child expires in October”  It took Mom a good five minutes to even read her shirt.  And she didn’t even think about the balloons because she thought Pixie got them from one of the car salesman before we came in.  She was just so excited her granddaughter came to visit her.1, 2, 3… say, “Mrs. Crystal is going to have a BABY!”  My gymnastics team and their reaction to the news.  🙂And this is at the Race for the Cure when the baby bump finally made a little appearance.  (4 3/4 months/19 weeks)

We recently had our 20 week ultrasound appointment where we got to see our future gymnast.  Gotta teach’em young….
We aren’t finding out the gender of this little one. We did find out with Pixie. I wanted a girl SO much. I have her now, so this one we will just find out in October. As it gets closer to final “bake time”, I’m going to put out a fun little game for y’all to guess due date and gender. Get EXCITED! I know we are!

If you are bored and you wanna see Pixie’s pregnancy announcement, click HERE.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Aunt Angie on May 31, 2013 at 1:34 pm

    Thank you for sharing you and your family’s amazing journey with us. I look forward to all of your post. You a treat to follow.

  2. Mindy on May 31, 2013 at 1:36 pm

    Love these! Congratulations!